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Advisory Board:
Elena Agazzi (Bergamo), Michael Bernsen (Bonn), Andreas Beyer (Paris), Michel Espagne (Paris), Andreas Gelz (Freiburg), Achim Hölter (Wien), Barbara Kuhn (Eichstätt), Jörn Steigerwald (Paderborn), Alain Viala (Oxford), Julia Zernack (Frankfurt/M.), Rüdiger Zymner (Wuppertal)

Publication: 2 Issues per year
Number of Pages: approx. 360 pp
ISSN: 1867-7762
e-ISSN: 2509-7466

It is in the nature of literature to transgress borders and to open up space for communication beyond monolingual and national limitations. The concern of this journal is the transnational and multilingual dimension of literature that gains currency and importance due to global networking. The purpose of this journal is to explore historical and present literary processes and phenomena which are constituted comprehensively since they only become understandable within a transnational context.

In doing so, the Comparatio focuses on European literatures being consistent with a comparing tradition based on history. However, the journal puts special emphasis on Romanesque literatures. This accentuation extends the perspective on this field by involving non-European literatures.
Besides literature, this journal examines the reciprocal relationship between certain arts as well, namely poetry, visual arts, and music. Further, this journal gives research activities the opportunity to demonstrate the characteristics of literary and cultural exchange with regard to the history of mentality and ideas. An approach to this field is desired which unites philological observation and systematic access and develops overall historical and conceptual problems.

Consequently, the Comparatio, as a comparative literary study, wants to invite the recipient to an innovative scientific dialogue and to enlarge the view on the borders of one single subject.

Comparatio is a peer reviewed journal.

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